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Tri State Jobs CouncilTri State Jobs Council is an advocacy group established for the advancement of economic development of the Tri-State area of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. The area has a proud past of labor and industry. The region has unfortunately experienced some serious economic problems in the last few decades with the loss of major industry. Additionally fewer opportunities exist for youth, including our most talented youth, which unfortunately have had to leave the area for opportunity. The Tri-State Jobs Council is an advocacy group created to stimulate the local tri-state economy. Our group proposes to develop and stimulate job growth with the following action items:
A: Supporting local educational initiatives. Educating the public and private industry on job market trends and pathways to future economic growth. B: Supporting Entrepreneurship by filling in the gaps with entrepreneurs with funding, grants, and financial opportunities. C: Supporting existing and new political candidates at the federal, state, and local level, who take and carry out the initiatives of the “TRI-STATE JOBS PLEDGE”. Ads will placed in local newspapers identifying candidates that have taken and carried out the initiatives of the “TRI-STATE JOBS PLEDGE”. What is the TRI-STATE JOBS PLEDGE?
Take the TRI-STATET JOBS PLEDGE! “I pledge to: · Put the economic interest of my TRI-STATE AREA FIRST above all personal agenda and personal interest. · Whenever I have an opportunity to vote on an issue, I will support local jobs and promote job growth. · I will support job development in the Industrial, Commercial, Construction, Municipal, and Private Sector. · Whenever I cast my vote for an appointment to a board or commission, I understand that the appointees are my responsibility, and they will be duly informed that local jobs come first. · I will support job development in the (AEC) Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Industry. Local AEC firms will have top priority over all others. I recognize the importance of supporting job growth in the AEC sector. · That by taking this PLEDGE, together with my peer office holders, the TRI-STATE will have a greater opportunity to grow and build a better economy for our future generations. |